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Success stories
Michelle & Andy
I'm typing this note one-handed because I'm currently holding our 10 day-old daughter in the other
Almost 3 years to the day from our first DMS date, I'm typing this note one-handed because I'm currently holding our 10 day-old daughter in the other. Eva Marie Lalinde was born on January 30th. Michelle and I are also now highlighted in an undergrad sociology textbook in a chapter profiling online relationships. Thanks again for your genius idea that brought us together. Have to run, must get the baby to her bassinet.
Hallie & Michael
At the end of October, I knew that I wanted to spend forever with her.
As our conversations continued, I began to slowly realize how cool this girl "Hallie" was and I don't know if it was just me wanting to find someone, but I continued to find myself falling back into talking with this girl, even with all of my other daily activities going on. I told myself that I would give this a chance and see where it went, and the more and more that we talked, the more I realized that I was beginning to like Hallie. At the end of October 2014, I knew that I wanted to spend forever with her. A little less than two weeks later, during her sorority semi-formal, I got all her closest sorority sisters to help out and I asked her to marry me.
Amanda & Michael
We have been together for a year. It is all because of this site that we have had the best year of our lives.
Our story is simple. Two college students only 15 minutes away from each other, but yet had never meet. Today, we have been together for over a year. We began talking sometime between October 2013 and November 2013 on this site. We met at the beginning of February 2014 and somehow got into a relationship on Valentine's Day. Of course it took some effort on his part considering that I was the type to talk to people online and just stop after about a month. Something was different about him though. He is like me; a little introverted, a little dorky, and a gamer of course. Most importantly he is the sweetest guy I have ever met and the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. It is all because of this site that we have had the best year of our lives.
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